
A big change on much of the Plains

On the Plains, Blizzard Warnings are in effect for much of North Dakota, where snow, wind, and bitterly cold conditions are hampering travel and increasing livestock stress. The coldest air of the season (widespread temperatures below 0°) trails the storm across the northern High Plains. Sharply colder air is also arriving across the central and southern Plains, parts of which remain unfavorably dry.

Across the Corn Belt, a variety of weather conditions prevail as colder air arrives. Rain is occurring in the Ohio Valley, while some snow is falling in the upper Mississippi Valley. In the Red River Valley of the North, blizzard conditions are developing. Grand Forks, North Dakota, received 9 inches of new snow overnight.

In the South, a widespread rain event continues to provide drought relief, although local flash flooding is occurring. Prior to this rainfall event, on December 4, Florida’s topsoil moisture was classified 59% very short to short, while the state’s pastures were rated 33% in very poor to poor condition.

In the West, cold weather dominates. Tuesday morning’s temperatures plunged well below 0° across parts of the northern Intermountain West. Precipitation is confined to the Northwest, where a few showers are occurring.

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