
RFA head not overly concerned with Trump’s picks

RFA president and CEO Bob Dinneen spoke at the Iowa Renewable Fuels Summit in Altoona, Iowa.

Speaking at this week’s Iowa Renewable Fuels Summit, the head of the Renewable Fuels Association said he’s not overly concerned with President Trump’s cabinet picks.

Some of those nominees, including Rick Perry and Scott Pruitt, have been critical of biofuels and the Renewable Fuels Standard in the past.  But RFA’s Bob Dinneen is confident that Trump will remain steadfast in his support of ethanol and the RFS.

“It’s not the Perry administration. It’s not the Pruitt administration. It is not even Rex Tillerson’s administration,” Dinneen said. “It is Donald Trump’s administration and they understand what the boss wants to do on this program. He has been unmistakable in his support for the RFS.”

Dinneen points out that farmers and rural American played a big role in Trump’s election victory—and he said they need to hold him accountable on the RFS.

“Make sure that he understands that trade is important—that regulatory reform is important—and stay true to your word on the RFS,” Dinneen said. “If you do that, we will all ‘Make Ethanol Great Again’.”

AUDIO: Bob Dinneen

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