
Pruitt says he’ll uphold RFS, vows to clarify WOTUS

President-elect Trump’s pick to lead EPA has testified he’ll stand behind America’s farmers and ranchers on some of its most contentious issues as the head of the agency.

During testimony on Wednesday, Oklahoma Attorney General Scott Pruitt’s criticism of the Renewable Fuels Standard came into question during his Senate confirmation hearing.

Pruitt says his role as  administrator is to honor the intent of the RFS statute.  “It’s the job of the administrator to enforce the program,” he says.  “To administer the program.  To ensure the intent of Congress as part of the RFS is upheld.  I will do that.”

Bob Dinneen, president and CEO of the Renewable Fuels Association says Pruitt’s support for the RFS is welcome. 

Dinneen says Pruitt’s testimony reflects the priorities of President-elect Trump and the American people who overwhelming support the increase production and use of American-made renewable fuels.

Pruitt also testified that he would work to provide clarity on the EPA’s Clean Water Rule – formerly referred to as Waters of the US.  “There’s much flexibility and discretion in there given to the EPA,” he says.  “And a series of cases that lead up the Rapanos decision that haven’t provided tremendous amount of clarity.  The best thing the EPA can do going forward is to reestablish that clarity so that states and individuals know what is expected of them in compliance.”

The rule is currently on a national stay and is tied up in the courts.  As Attorney General of Oklahoma, Pruitt filed one of several lawsuits challenging the rule.

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