
Missouri couple farm sustainably for next generation

Meagan and Mark Kaiser farm with a focus on passing their land to the next generation.  Meagan, a soil scientist in Missouri, says using only needed inputs keeps them sustainable and profitable.

“We use soil sampling methods every year on our farm, and plant tissue testing several times throughout the growing season,” Kaiser told Brownfield Ag News.  “We’re able to monitor our nutrient use and make sure that we’re not overusing nutrients, which is both good for the environment and good for our bottom line.”

Sustainable farming, that Kaiser says is attractive to U.S. export customers, is becoming a trend among neighbors and clients of her family’s soil testing lab.

“What I have noticed more and more every year is the thoughtful consideration by producers to really make sure that their fertility is put exactly where it needs to be,” she said.  “And they’re looking at balancing the soil and encouraging soil health and microbial activity to help us along with some of those fertility goals and soil health goals.”

The Kaisers farm near Carrollton, Missouri, while Meagan’s family’s soil testing business is at Bowling Green, Missouri.

Meagan, a director on the United Soybean Board, hesitates before explaining her thoughts on what sustainability is.

“The way that we view it on our farm,” said Kaiser, “is insuring that we are using best management practices that are good for the crop, good for the environment, and we kind of jokingly say, good for people who like to eat.”

Photo credit: April Austin

AUDIO: Meagan Kaiser (5 min. MP3)

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