
Trump Administration given 2 more weeks to decide on SRE appeal

The Trump Administration has been granted more time to decide whether to appeal a recent 10th Circuit Court ruling that could dramatically change the EPA’s Small Refinery Exemption program.

Renewable Fuels Association CEO Geoff Cooper tells Brownfield the Department of Justice asked for and received a 15-day extension.

“So we’ve got another two weeks, and this just prolongs the uncertainty and prolongs the instability in the marketplace.”

He says the EPA should just abide by the 10th Circuit Court decision and move on.

“This court ruling is very important, and could potentially change in fundamental ways the way EPA administers the Small Refinery Exemption program. So we will be very active in the next couple weeks.”

Cooper points out there’s even division among the oil industry on the issue.  He says the American Petroleum Institute encouraged President Trump not to join the appeal, and to apply the 10th Circuit Court decision nationally.

  • Dear Mr. President March 9, 2020

    Fear and Uncertainty are gripping the US Markets and Population.

    Bernie’s type of Socialism Breeds on the very turmoil and uncertainty we are seeing, for political gains.

    The oil price collapse has put the entire Biofuel Industry in danger of Bankruptcy. Production economics are upside down. Corn prices are also at significant risk as ethanol producers close and go Bankrupt. These are Real Dangers Farmers and Biofuel Producers are Currently Facing.

    We need Stability Now, in the Market, not Increased Uncertainty. Administration plans to Challenge the 10th Circuit Court’s Ruling on three Refinery Waives is Creating Intense Uncertainty in the Midwest, at this Critical time for our Country. Crashing the Biofuels Industry and Midwest Farmers, to feather the bottom lines of a few small refiners, Is Crazy. The Turmoil your actions are creating in the Midwest are exactly what the Sanders and Biden Campaigns need for Success.

    You must realize that upholding the Renewable Fuel Standard Now, is Absolutely Vital for the Survival of the Biofuels Industry, and Stability in the Midwest Farm Economy. Now is not the time to Challenge the 10th Circuit Court Decision and create even more Uncertainty, Bankruptcy and Backlash in the Midwest. Everything Bernie Sanders needs to Succeed!

    Much more is at stake here then the fatness of a few small refiner’s bottom lines. I cannot say it in any stronger terms. Mr. President, Please Leave the 10th Circuit Court Decision Alone. For the sake of our Country, Step Out of this Battle.

    The Biofuels Industry and Farmers have taken it on the Chin for Three Years. Don’t Push them Over the Edge. The 10th Circuit Court Decision on Refinery Waivers is a Rare Glimmer of Hope and Stability for Farmers and Biofuel Producers. A flicker of Hope and Light, in the mitts of Intense Strain and Uncertainty. Don’t take it away from them.


    Thomas Blazek

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