
Recognizing those who play a role in farmers’ success

NASCAR driver Clint Bowyer (center) is teaming up again this season with the DEKALB®, Asgrow® and Deltapine® brands to celebrate Agronomy Week April 1st through April 5th, which encourages farmers to recognize the key role of their agronomic support team. Also pictured are DEKALB Asgrow and Deltapine District Sales Manager Ron Jernigan (left) and Phil Cartner, who farms Bowyer’s land in North Carolina. The farm will be entering the NCGA National Corn Yield Contest for the first time this year.
NASCAR driver Clint Bowyer (center) is teaming up again this season with the DEKALB®, Asgrow® and Deltapine® brands to celebrate Agronomy Week. Also pictured are DEKALB Asgrow and Deltapine District Sales Manager Ron Jernigan (left) and Phil Cartner, who farms Bowyer’s land in North Carolina.

Agronomy Week was launched three years ago to help farmers recognize the people who contribute to the success of their crops.

Pete Uitenbroek Brand Lead for Dekalb, Asgrow, and Deltapine says it’s all about recognition.  “We’ve got a great industry with agronomic professionals including agronomist, seed dealers, and crop consultants who all play a key role in a farmer’s agronomic success,” he says.  “And really make the agricultural industry to be great to be a part of.”

He tells Brownfield NASCAR driver Clint Bowyer is participating in Agronomy Week again this year.  “Clint’s participation really demonstrates that in farming – much like racing – success depends on season long performance and really the expertise of a support team around you.”

And, for the first time, Bowyer and his agronomic support crew on his farm outside Charlotte, North Carolina, will enter the NCGA National Corn Yield Contest. After talking agronomy for two years, Bowyer says he’s excited to throw his hat in the ring and compete in two seasons this year – racing and farming.

Uitenbroek says farmers can nominate up to three members of their agronomic team during Agronomy Week.  Farmers who make nominations are automatically entered into a sweepstakes with the chance to win daily prizes as well as the grand prize – which is a trip for the winning farmer and their agronomic team to visit Clint Bowyer’s farm.

Agronomy Week was launched by Dekalb, Asgrow, and Deltapine and runs April 1 -5. 

Eligible farmers can view sweepstakes rules and nominate their agronomic professionals at from April 1-5 or by posting the professionals’ names on the DEKALB Asgrow Facebook, Instagram or Twitter page with #AgronomyWeek and #contest.

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