
President Trump calls for E15 relief now

U.S. Ag Secretary Sonny Perdue says President Trump wants E15 relief now.

Secretary Perdue visited the Farm Progress Show Wednesday, telling attendees of an RFS rally hosted by the Iowa Renewable Fuels Association he received a phone call from the President on his way in.

“He said ‘Sonny, I’ve got two things for you.  And one is we need to get this RFS situation straightened out and get E15 12 months.”

Perdue said this was the fifth or sixth time President Trump had reached out to him personally asking about a year-round waiver for E15.

“It’s on his mind, and he wants something done quickly.  He said ‘You get with that EPA administrator and bring me something next week that I can announce.”

Perdue says he’s optimistic a solution could materialize quickly, similar to the preliminary trade agreement between the U.S. and Mexico announced earlier this week.




  • Seriously!, Sec Perdue wanted everyone to skip over the first part of his message from Trump, “we need to get this RFS situation straightened out,” or to have it ambiguous when to Trump and the EPA it means gut the RFS in various ways, allow even more waivers, or control RIN prices etc etc to please his administration’s real client is the fossil fuel indistries, and the E15 12 months allowance a “make believe” bone that will be subverted by the same fossil fuel industry! When Trump praised Pruitt it was without saying his endoresement of gutting the RFS, which of course he will then speak from other side of his mouth about year round E15. While releasing a, RFS 2019 target that is a LIE, because it assumes no refinery waivers!!!! This is an administration that calls an abomination of a revised Clean Air Act the Orwellian “Affordable Clean Air Act,” when affordable means 4,000+ early deaths from loosened rules apparently is affordable and has little or no cost. When will the Ag industry wake up that while lip service and both sides of the mouth nods to biofuels used by this administration to get votes, its actions show the truth that it is NOT and will never be a friend to biofuels and by extension the Ag industry or the environment!!!!

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