
NPPC launches “Year-Round Pork Needs Year-Round Workers” campaign

The National Pork Producers Council is highlighting the need for comprehensive labor reform.

Jack Detiveaux tells Brownfield NPPC has launched the “Year-Round Pork Needs Year-Round Workers” campaign to celebrate foreign ag labor successes.

“The H-2A program is great for ag (and) has been well-used by the crop side, but the issue for us is that it has a seasonal requirement. So for pork producers, it’s a year-round business, there’s no seasons to speak of, so we’re not able to access it currently.”

NPPC is asking Congress to remove the seasonality requirement and Detiveaux says the Farm Workforce Modernization Act that passed in the House is a step in the right direction.

“We love that bill, but they limit the amount of non-seasonal H-2A’s to 20,000 (and) that won’t really meaningfully address our shortage.”

He says NPPC hopes the Senate will use the Farm Workforce Modernization Act as a starting point to craft H2-A legislation without a cap.

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