
Millennials want to share the story of agriculture

(L to R) Ohio State students Carley Snider, Sierra Jepson, and Merritt Ogle, along with Cornell student Anya Gandy discuss their experiences as millennials in ag at the NIAA conference in Columbus

Many ag groups are turning to millennials to provide a fresh perspective on the challenges facing agriculture.

Carley Snider, a senior at Ohio State University, was part of an ag millennials panel at the National Institute for Animal Agriculture conference here in Columbus. Snider is student teaching at a rural high school in southern Ohio and she says she’s noticed a profound lack of understanding in her students about production agriculture and how it works.

“Just last week we had a really big, off the topic conversation about food production because it was something one of my students asked about. I had that realization that most of them didn’t have that understanding of that, so we stopped the lesson we were having and we talked about it because it’s something that’s important for them,” says Snider.

Snider tells Brownfield ag millennials and farmers alike need to remain active in engaging the public, and not just like-minded individuals in the ag industry.

“I would really encourage my peers and fellow millennials to make sure they’re having that conversation not just with people in agriculture but people who are not in agriculture. In the end, it’s the consumer population and the rest of the population that can really learn a lot more from us,” says Snider.

Snider is majoring in ag education and production agriculture at OSU.

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