
Pork producers watching GMO Labeling

As the Illinois General Assembly kicks off its new legislative year, Peoria Senator Dave Koehler is again focusing on GMO labeling.  Illinois Pork producers Association CEO Jim Kaitschuk says it is one of the issues Illinois Pork producers are monitoring.

But why?  Kaitschuk says it depends on how you define GMO Labeling.  “Is it genetically engineered, is it genetically modified, or is it just labeling a product,” he asks.  “If ultimately you’re talking about the transition of one form of being into another – that could potentially get into the breeding of the animals or the insemination of the animals. The spectrum is really wide, although right now it isn’t as wide.  However, how we feed them and what we feed them a lot of times are considered genetically modified items.  When that goes into the animal as an end product, it does have an impact.”

He says pork producers need to make their voices heard as this, and other legislative issues arise this year.  They’ll have the opportunity to do so on March 25th at their Legislative Day in Springfield.

AUDIO: Jim Kaitschuk, IL Pork (4:30mp3)


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