
Farmers rally for, as HSUS protests, dog bill

Organizers say over 1,000 people gathered Wednesday on the Missouri Capitol lawn to show support for legislation making changes to the controversial Puppy Mill Cruelty Bill passed by voters last fall. 

Flanked by Missouri House and Senate members favoring the changes, several spoke supporting Senate Bill 113 that’s been passed but is awaiting Governor Jay Nixon’s signature.  Clarence, Missouri, pork producer Chris Chinn told the crowd she’s concerned that the Humane Society of United States, which supports and financed the ballot initiative, will not stop with limiting the number of dogs allowed in a breeding operation.

“They’re going to take our farms from us and they’re going to take our jobs and they are going to steal my children’s future,” said Chinn Wednesday, from the podium on the Capitol steps.

Rally organizer Don Nikodim, head of the Missouri Pork Producers Association and with the  Missouri Farmers Care coalition says the turnout will help decision makers still on the fence about compromise legislation.

“The inications are – and we’re very positive that the bill’s going to move forward,” Nikodim told Brownfield, “But I think it’s always good when you see a sign of support and when you see the folks out here today I think it’s easy to make that decision.”

Meanwhile, around the corner in front of the Governor’s Mansion,  supporters of Proposition B who represented the ASPCA, Best Friends and the HSUS protested Senate Bill 113 and urged Governor Nixon to veto it.

“We applaud the governor for putting in place additional funding to go after those unliscensed breeders, but at the end of the day, Prop B was something that was voted on by Missourians, passed by Missourians and we believe it’s very important Missourians get what they voted for,” said Dane Waters, director of ballot campaigns with the HSUS.  Waters and the crowd are urging Governor Jay Nixon to veto Senate Bill 113.

The HSUS Puppy Mill measure, known as Proposition B, was soundly defeated in rural Missouri, but found support among voters in the state’s urban centers.

Brownfield’s Julie Harker contributed to this story

AUDIO: Don Nikodim (2 min. MP3)

AUDIO: Gary Marshall (2 min. MP3)

AUDIO: Blake Hurst (3 min. MP3)

AUDIO: Missouri Sens. Parson & Munzlinger (3 min. MP3)

AUDIO: Dane Waters, HSUS (6:00 mp3)

AUDIO: Sharon Hanson, Prop B supporter (3:00 mp3)

  • Let’s look at the long range consequences of their S/N everything that moves. Think about it – just WHERE will your children or grandchildren get their pet? Will they be able to get a pure bred animal? What if they have severe allergies and can only live with a certain breed or two? Will there be breeds? Mixed-breeds are NOT suitable for allergic children!!! IF there are breeds – will they be affordable, or will they be super expensive – because there are no breeders? Will they be healthy, because breeders won’t be able to utilize modern medicine and modern facilities – or will they have been driven underground?

    The agenda of H$U$ and PETA and the rest of the crazies who want Animal Rights is one thing – the elimination of domestic animals. That’s right – no food, no services, no products, and, dog-forbid, NO PETS!!!! What really teaches children to be human better than a pet???? I’ll tell you what – TWO pets. Read “1984” recently? Where were their pets????

    Brave new world, where animals have the same rights as children.

    Now – are you going to man up and take a stand against these terrorists?? Are you going to tell them NO, we won’t give up our pets? Are you going to continue to fund their terrorist activities? Go read for some answers! Tell H$U$ to stop paying off our politicians to get laws against us and our pets! This IS America – we have rights – and the right to have a pet is one of them!!!!

    Now – find out how bad S/N really is to dogs, especially!!!

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