
Some safety reminders for harvest

This is a very busy and dangerous time on the farm. With the delay in harvest this year, things are going to be more rushed than usual plus, with Daylight Savings Time now over, more work will be done at night. Cheryl Skjolaas with the University of Wisconsin Cooperative Center for Agricultural Safety and Health says there are a couple of very important steps to take if you are going to be running machinery on the road. For one thing, make sure you have a slow-moving vehicle (SMV) sign on and that it is clean and in good shape. “It needs to be bright, it should shine, it should stand out,” says Skjolaas. If it is not in good shape, replace it.

If you do need to buy a new one, there is a new standard to watch for. “Be looking for one that reads Certified Compliance ASAE 276.6, if it is a 276.5, that’s an older one.” The difference is the old sign was visible to about 500 feet while the new one is visible to 1,200 feet.

Along with the SMV sign, Skjolass says an amber strobe light really helps make your machine more visible. She also advises that you make sure all machinery is lighted to state requirements and that all of those lights are clean and working. “You want to be lit-up like a Christmas tree.”

AUDIO: Cheryl Skjolaas talks about safety on the roads 3:00

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