Missourinet News Director Bob Priddy — “He used to joke about things that would have to wait for “Bury Derry Day.” Sadly, that day is coming this week. My friend Derry Brownfield died overnight. He was 79.” — Southeast AGNET –“This fall would be the 20th consecutive year I’ve joined a few close friends to hunt deer on Derry’s property in central Missouri. Most years a highlight of the trip has been an evening at the ranch with Derry’s storytelling, as he shared first hand so many of the sayings for which he has become famous. One you’ll find headlined if you visit his podcasts website, is “The best time to make friends is before you need them.” — AgWired — “I know there are lots of folks out there who have fond memories of Derry and favorite “Derryisms.” If you would like to share – comment on this post or write on the wall of the DBS Facebook page. My personal favorite of Derry’s sayings was “ignorance gone to seed” but most appropriate now is the way he signed off on every DBS:
“May the good Lord bless and keep you whether near or far away. May the good you wish for others shine on you today. May your heart stay tuned to the music that will cheer the hearts of men. May the good Lord bless and keep you until we meet again.”
Devvy Kidd — “The My phone rang Saturday afternoon, March 12, 2011. A strange thing sometimes in life. I picked up the phone. I could see it was my friend, Derry Brownfield, calling. I thought, great, he wants me to guest on his radio show. Always a treat for me. One of those tech things, but the call didn’t connect, so I hung up. A few seconds later, the phone rang again, but when I heard Beth’s voice (his producer), I started to cry before she said one word. You see, Derry always called me to book his show.” —

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