
Pigs can get the flutoo

Dr. Sandy Amass, Professor of Veterinary Clinical Sciences at Purdue University says the latest outbreak of what is now called, “North American Flu”has nothing to do with pigs, but pigs are susceptible to getting the flu from humans. which is why Dr. Amass says producers need to keep sick people away from the pigs.

“If you have sick employees you do now want them to come to work if they seem to have the flubecause there’s the potential they could get the pigs sick, and you don’t want visitors on the farm and that’s pretty standard biosecurity,” said Dr. Amass.

Dr. Amass also tells Brownfield that if pigs are showing signs of having the flu have your veterinarian test thepigs.

“And the signs of the flu in pigs are just like the signs in people,” Dr Amass said. “They get a cough, they get a runny nose, they’ll have a fever, they feel lousy, they just want to lie down and sleep, but they usually recover in about fivedays.”

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