Managing for Profit

The connection between seed selection and weed control

As farmer are making their selections for seed for the 2020 growing season, they should also keep their weed control measures in mind.

In this Managing for Profit, Dan Puck an Enlist Field Specialist says there are some considerations farmers should make as they are finalizing those decisions.

  • Hi, I was wondering if “Corteva” is encouraging to spray 2,4-D for the first post application, and then come back with Liberty as a second post application/if needed. Or, are they suggesting spraying both herbicides at once?

  • Logan – E3 soybeans give you the flexibility to spray both Enlist herbicides (2,4-D choline) and Liberty. We find a lot of people favor the tank mix of One + Liberty in the first post, especially if you’ve got heavy waterhemp or pigweed pressure. It’s great to have the ability to tank mix, and we always recommend multiple modes of action in pass for weed resistance management – so if you’re using Enlist One, be sure to have glyphosate or glufosinate in the tank as well. So, assess your weed pressure, and utilize the spray that fits.

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