
Put aside differences and get to work!


It’s hard to believe, but according to polls, somewhere around 83% of Americans approve of the Humane Society of the United States.

At the recent American Agri-Women Symposium held in Washington, D.C. David Martosko, director of the Center for Consumer Freedom, told attendees that most people truly believe the money they donate to HSUS will go to local animal shelters, when in reality, HSUS is promoting conflict between urban and rural cultures with the end goal being to eliminate meat from the diet.  Martosko told the American AgriWomen that animal rights organizations are coalition building and animal agriculture should do the same.

I agree whole-heartedly. Animal agriculture – AGRICULTURE in GENERAL – needs to put aside its differences and get to work together. We have got our work cut out for us.


  • The Americans who approve of the Humane Society of the United States may be higher than stated. At our shelter we HAVE received some support from the HSUS.
    Sorry, but I’ve never heard a pitch for “Don’t eat meat” in 35 years. Animal conditions, and treatment “Yes”
    David Martosko your statement is false and without merit. I do agree we should do our best to work TOGETHER for the good of all. That will be the biggest challenge…..

  • You honestly believe promoting the astro-turf group, Center for Consumer Freedom, is a good thing? Consumers know how to use the Google:

    Us “radicals” understand that treating farm animals as industrial widgets is criminal. I eat meat, but I only eat organic meat, which I know has been raised humanly since the Humane Society helped the organic community draft the organic meat standards in the early 90’s. Us organic types are not anti-meat, only anti-cruelty to farm animals.

    Non-organic Ag hasn’t been able to garner much consumer support over the years; but you do own a lot of politicians, bureaucrats, press and university professors. That’s your power-base; ours is consumers.

    Us “radicals” are not anti-farmer, we just want a level playing field for all farmers so that small farming operations have the same opportunity to thrive and succeed as the mega-farms.

    That fact should make all farmers allies not adversaries. It’s the corporations that see more value in dividing farmers, it protects their business models.

  • Well, my intention was not necessarily to promote the Center for Consumer Freedom. I agree with Martosko’s statement that agriculture needs to work together.

  • Hey, George–yes, us consumers DO know how to use Google, and Humanewatch and CCF is the best thing to happen for animal owners and agriculture in YEARS. I simply can’t believe how many people swallow the line that HSUS is about helping animals, when it’s done everything but. What happened to the 34 million dollars it raised to “help Katrina animals”–and then skipped town long before the crisis was over? HSUS spent a mere 7 million during Katrina. Vets and the REAL rescue groups know this, because they were down there doing all the work while HSUS took all the credit in front of the media.

    What happened to all the Vick dogs that HSUS campaigned to have put down? They were rescued by REAL humane societies and rescue groups like BADRAP, and now most of them are in new homes and some are actually therapy dogs. In the meantime, HSUS has fully embraced Vick and made a deal with the dog fighter and abuser.

    I could go on and on about HSUS hypocrisy, but yes, do some actual research about the true goals and actions of HSUS and you will regret ever defending them. I am an animal lover and I dream of the day Pacelle is thrown in jail for his deceit. (**This comment has been edited. The final sentence has been omitted.)

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