
Euthanizing hogs a last resort for pork producers

The director of swine health for the National Pork Board tells Brownfield as a last resort, some producers are considering euthanizing pigs.

Dr. Lisa Becton calls it a grave situation brought about by processing plant closures in the wake of COVID-19.

“No producer wants to have to consider euthanizing their animals because they’ve raised them, reared them. Their farms (and) their families are involved. So this is an absolute last alternative that they’re facing at this time.”

The National Pork Board and American Association of Swine Veterinarians have developed a guideline that Becton says outlines all the currently approved methods of euthanasia.

“The procedures and things that we have to do when we assess all of our farms and the current situation, is not because we want to. It’s because we’re pushed into dire circumstances, and we all want to do what’s best for our people, our workers, and our pigs.”

Becton stresses that at this unprecedented time, producers are seeking every alternative to depopulation.  She says that includes changing to a maintenance feed ration and creating additional housing space either on-farm or with another producer.

  • This is barbaric. People tend to forget that we are in this Covid-19 mess because of the human race. Wet Markets/animal cruelty lead to Covid -19. Wet Markets are inhumane. When will people learn that animals have feelings, feel pain and get scared? Elder abuse, child abuse and animal abuse are all very similar. They are all defenseless and helpless creatures harmed by humans. We are in this pandemic because of humans and their mean, selfish, and careless ways. Go ahead, euthanize pigs, it won’t help the mess we are in. It will just cause fear in the animal. Covid-19 is euthanizing people. The question is, when will people ever learn? Don’t knock plant based foods till you try them. I suggest watch “the game changers.” Good luck world!

  • Take a pig home fore dinner program. I would gladly buy a hog or cow wholesale and butcher it. store prices are still high. I would remove the middle man an get to work. Just another government roadblock to free trade.

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