
Planting ahead of schedule

Programs ICON

Almost a full week was suitable for fieldwork in Michigan according to the latest USDA Crop Progress Report. Corn planting was reported at 30 percent complete, ahead of the 21 percent five year average for the week.  Soybeans were 9 percent planted, barley at 36 percent and oats at 63 percent.  Sugarbeet growers turned up the throttle, 91 percent of the crop was planted for the week ending May 3, almost double the previous week.  The winter wheat crop is rated 58 percent good to excellent, 10 percent is jointed.

Sunny, dry conditions helped Michigan orchards along.  Cold damage to buds and blossoms was minimal from the previous week compared to winter injury.  Apricot bloom is almost complete.  Bloom in sweet cherries is slow and varied.  Bloom was also reported in tart cherries, Japanese and European plums, apples and pears.  Grapes, blueberries, strawberries and raspberries also reported growth.

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