
PEDv/Feed study viewed with some caution

A study led by the director of research at Pipestone Veterinary Services in Minnesota shows a link between contaminated animal feed and the Porcine Epidemic Diarrhea virus in pigs.  The study was carried out on three farms in Iowa and Minnesota where PED was diagnosed early this year.

Richard Sellers with the American Feed Industry Association (AFIA) tells Brownfield Ag News they are concerned that this study might imply that feed is a cause of PEDv’s spread. He says, “This clarifies that feed is actually a carrier now. The source of how the virus got into the feed is not presented in the report. The authors DO make a point that there was no animal protein product in the feed.”

Sellers tells Brownfield Ag News there has been some blame by some sources placed on an animal protein product used in feed.  He tells Brownfield, “A number of the companies have done a number of studies to demonstrate that their products are indeed safe. There is always the potential for cross-contamination at any point in the feed distribution chain.”

Sellers says on-farm contamination of feed cannot be ruled out.  He says there are still many unknowns about the cause of PEDv and the AFIA along with the Institute for Feed Education and Research have pledged $100-thousand to the National Pork Board to further research.

Interview with Richard Sellers (4:00 mp3)

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