
Getting rid of the controversial land use change theory

The National Corn Growers Association says it’s time to throw out the controversial theory of indirect land use change. NCGA president Darrin Ihnen calls it “junk science”, which he says “needs to go the way of the horse-drawn plow.”  Ihnen points to a recent study conducted by Purdue University. It found that the California Air Resources Board overestimated the greenhouse-gas impact of land use changes to corn ethanol by more than double. 

AUDIO: Darrin Ihnen (3 min MP3)

  • I like the fact, that the Corn growers facts are always ignore the scientific fact that takes two units of energy, when you take into account the petrochemicals use to produce conventionally grown corn, to make 1 unit of ethanol.

    Ethanol is a congressional boondoggle that needs to go the way of steel wheeled tractors. If you love Wall St corruption you gotta love ethanol; funded by taxpayers and congressional use mandates, massive growth fueled by hedge funds resulting today most ethanol projects having gone bust. It’s just taxpayer money funneled to special interest groups.

    Until the ethanol industry moves away from corn to renewable perennials such as switch-grass or other cellulose based plants, it will remain an unfulfilled promise of energy production.

    Corn Ethanol is the epitome of the classic welfare queen.

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